Testimonials, descriptions, and online articles are great, but ultimately you probably want to see someone you’re thinking of engaging. The video clips available here will give you a sense of my presentation style, and are drawn from presentations in front of real audiences. They are mostly short – on the order of 2-6 minutes. If you’d like to see a longer video, email me and I’ll arrange for you to have online access to a complete, one hour keynote presentation.
These videos are also available on my YouTube Channel
What’s a Futurist?
A question I get asked quite regularly is answered at the beginning of one of my presentations – in response to a request for winning lottery ticket numbers and teams to bet on.
There Is a Cost for Making the Wrong Decision About the Future
Legislative bodies often postpone or ignore needed investments in infrastructure because they want to keep taxes low. This is a false economy, and is often more expensive than making the investments in the first place. Preparing for the future is important – and making the wrong decisions, without thinking things through, comes at a cost, often in lives as well as money.
Mother Nature’s Bills Always Get Paid
People can choose not to believe in climate change, but they can’t ignore the steady increase in extreme weather events, nor the costs they impose. And no matter what legislators want, they have no choice but to pay Mother Nature’s bills. But those bills are cheaper if you plan ahead, and prepare for what’s to come.
What Will We the Costs of Self-Driving Cars? And Who Pays?
Self-driving cars (also called AVs, or Autonomous Vehicles) will bring many benefits. But there will also be costs that don’t get talked about very much. What will they be, and who will pay them?
The Rise of Women
What we are seeing is the beginning of a major change in our society, our economy, and the standards of behavior. Many will disbelieve it, but there is no way to stop an idea whose time has come.
Water is Much More Than the ‘New Oil’
We regularly hear water described as the “new oil,” but this is a mistake because water is much more important than that. Here’s what I said to a group of California farmers.
The Iron Laws of the Future
There are two things you can be sure of in the future…
Everyday Robots
Perhaps the most startling change we will experience over the next few years will be the emergence of robots in our everyday lives, plus the development of computer intelligences.
What Do We Need to Do About Climate Change?
That climate change is happening is no longer in dispute. The question now becomes, what do we do about it without breaking the bank?
Using Change as a Competitive Weapon
It’s not just that the rate of change is accelerating – there’s more going on than just that. And those companies that can take advantage of that can increase market share. Here’s how I described the situation to a technology company.
The Four Dimensions of the Future of Food
What consumers will choose to eat in the future will be largely determined by where they are within the four dimensions of food. Here’s why.
The Broader Implications of IT
It’s relatively simple to forecast what technology will be capable of doing, but the broader implications or the downstream effects are much more important.
Demographics: The Oldest Elderly
The fastest growing group in the population has needs that we are not adequately addressing.
We Will be Watched and Watched Over by Invisible Intelligence
Even as technology emerges to serve us, it will also get kind of creepy as well. Here’s why.
Networks are Going to be Intuitive, Intriguing, and Invisible
The interplay between new technologies, and what consumers will demand in exchange for their money is of crucial importance to companies that sell or use technology. Here are some of comments about the future of networks and the devices that attach to them.
Implications of the Future for Food Producers
There are going to be new niches opening up for food producers, but to take advantage of them, producers are going to have to be nimble, and anticipate new developments.